As a small business owner with a labor background I know how important it is to have good jobs close to home. I will work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to bring business here to the Puyallup area through tax incentives and community workforce agreements and project labor agreements. I will continue to be an active member of the chamber of commerce and advocate for common sense legislation that will make it easier for small businesses to thrive.

Public-sector employees deserve to be paid the same wage as their private-sector counterparts as I believe we should have our government be as effective as possible. Any tax incentive, grant, or procurement contract should be contingent on using a union company especially in regards to public construction projects.

Community and technical colleges will play an outsized role in training our future workforce so they must be fully funded. WA state will be heavily investing in green energy infrastructure and one of the ways to fund that is our cap and invest program. I believe we can use funding from the cap and invest program to fully fund our community and technical colleges so that we have a workforce that is prepared for the future. These jobs would be good paying union jobs in a growth industry, benefitting our community.